martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

Pensamientos, pensar, pesar....

I always want more when it comes to you
Your voice is music to my ears
And your laugh soothes my troubled heart

I am fearful of losing you
This is the truth
I need to feel you close to me
Simple things have that effect on me,
A chat window, an e-mail, even a blank sheet of paper
where I’ll be writing a letter for you
It’s scary to know how dependent I have become

When I need you, when I want you
I see your face in old pictures
Every smile or gesture
Becomes a vivid image of my time with you

Listening to Melissa does not help
Tears blur my sight
My space becomes yours at this moment
Our hearts connect

“… when you find the one
There's no question in the silence
All is said and done when you find the one…”

Sweet voice
Sweet dreams

You’re gone now

3 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta más tu estilo cuando escribes en inglés, se te da más ;-) (It’s scary to know how dependent I have become of this woman...just as you say it)

  2. La perrita de tu foto se parece mucho a mi Kiara!!!

  3. gracias x la porra! el idioma depende de qien sea qien me motive a escribir ;) y la perrita q aparece no es mia, robe la foto de internet jijiji

    atte. Ojos árabes
